St. Patrick's Day art and vocabulary building! So many fun ways to expand language learning, at all levels.
I pulled out a art project by the wonderful SoulSparklettesArt! I gave the big kids a few dollops of paint (yellow, cyan, blue, brown, white, black) and let them go wild mixing different shades of green.
Meanwhile, I let the toddler request colors little by little. You can help your kiddo by modeling just a little over what they can do independently. Maybe you're just working on narrating what you're doing, giving them names for the colors and actions. If your little can use single words, give them two word combinations (e.g. more blue, mix green).
We started out talking about how adding the colors changed the mix - what makes things lighter/darker?
I brought out some nature-based picture books for my youngest, helped her look for green things, and transcribed her names. My Green was our favorite 😂
Next we moved on to naming our colors. It was too open ended for my youngest, so I brought out some nature-based picture books and helped her look for green things. She found the names and picked out just the right color, while I wrote it down for her.
My son was stumped for names, so I pulled out our Pantone Colors book for inspiration. I let him copy the first line from the book, then we brainstormed other nouns that could be green. He liked Peacock Green, but his absolute favorite was Greyn (grayish green).
My oldest needed a bit more of a challenge, so we hunted for adjectives to add to our colors. She thought the Spicy Mint Green looked like tooth paste and her favorite was the Wavy Seaweed Green. I think she shamROCKed it 🍀😉
Do you have any questions or concerns about your child's speech and language development? Reach out today to schedule a free initial consultation!